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About Al Bailey

Sitdown Conversation with Pastor Scott Neal - Al Bailey
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All my specialties 
integrate Breath work
My Journey began somewhere between the ages of five and seven. I remember for my birthday, my mom bought me one of those black hard plastic Doctor's bag with all the little plastic Dr's tools. Being the youngest of my siblings allowed me to witness Mom and my Grandma, apply many natural remedies and hands-on treatments to family members and neighbors. There were always bumps bruises brakes scrapes sprain burns recoveries from surgeries falls, accidents, stomachaches cuts headaches, hurt feelings and all kinds of unexpected aggravations and challenges.
   Being that there were so many of us and I being the last of 14 children, there was always something being applied to someone in need, in the form of ice heat salves rubbing alcohol, creams, boiled- potions, slings, bandages, and homemade crutches​. Who knows what was in those bottles, jars and metal tins without labels. It would've been very costly to run to the doctor for every little thing so we all made do with what we had. As a kid, I always thought that being a Dr. was just helping people the best way you possibly could, naturally.
   See the interviews on this page for a more in-depth look into my ongoing story. From Farm-boy, Ex-Athlete Junior Olympian, Athletic Trainer, and Peewee Sports Coach, Grief Counselor, Corporate Foodservice, Eighteen years of restaurant work, Bricklayer, Carpenter, turned Professionally and Indigenous Trained Healer. Trained Body Worker, Massage Therapy and Bagua Chi-Gong and Walking Meditation.   
   There's just too much to put into writing for right now and I felt that Podcasts and more personal sitdown interviews were a different way of stimulating further conversations from the information shared of my Journey. Whatever you may find interesting, please let's dive in in an open dialog so anyone else may enter the conversation and share it from similar experiences. Its no surprise that we all have so much in common and for me, I respond best to questions.     
   After all, we're breathing the same air, just in our own unique rhythms. The intent of sharing my Journey and Bio this way is to introduce the countless ways of transforming our life's challenges that trigger us, into helping and not hindering us along our Journey. How we're responding to our triggers plays a vital role in our 
returning to personal unique rhythms that can heal our life situations.
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